
2000     Founding of med-commerce® by Harald Butsch.


2001     Purchase of the traditional company E. Müller, with the PRECISA brand.


2002     Strong expansion of the business by a bigger diversification.


2003    Move in our new premises Friedrichstraße 15 and the existing floorspace is doubled.


2004     Aggregation of both individual enterprises to one company named E. Müller med-commerce.


2005     New legal form med-commerce Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG. 


2006     Expansion of the high-bay-racking and implementation of new software products.


2007    Diversification doctor´s requirements and -equipments, products for rehab and care.


2008    Optimization of processes in the area of technology and commissioning of new machines.  


2009    Introduction of new product ranges in the areas of electrosurgery and cast scissors.


2010    Reinforcement and expansion of our sales activities and integration of the MedProVet product line


2011     Active market cultivation.


2015     Takeover of the customer base of Siegfried Pabel commercial agencies, Oerlinghausen


2016     Expansion of the product range with sterile single-use products


2018     Update of the QM system according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2016


2021     Implementation of the regulatory requirements according to Regulation (EU) 2017/745
